This was a venture into some very unfamiliar territory- I read up a bit on this movie before watching it (which I normally avoid) and parsed very little of what I read. Actually watching the movie proved to be.... an interesting experience. The dialogue felt very strangely paced and the characters' speech patterns oftentimes were a bit odd. I noticed, at least what felt like, a lot of zoom ins and sudden cuts. Also 1977 apartment prices felt like a blow to the side of the head, I must admit.

The movie was a bit more explicit than I had anticipated, going in, so it took me off guard. But I did like the costuming!
I'd like to note, I'm writing this review as I'm watching, which I don't usually do, and the scene where Allison, our protaganist, stabs and hacks at an.... apparition? Is extremely funny. Definitely unintentional, but the choppy editing and soft, glancing blows being accompanied by actual effects is hilarious, like something you'd see out of a claymation video

This portion I am writing after the movie's end- I must say, while they were there, this movie almost felt light on horror elements right up until the very end, but I must admit the "denizens of hell" just being people with various. Medical conditions? Felt a bit cruel. Little people and amputees, etc. There were a few people who looked like they had practical effects on them, but many were just people. This movie had... interesting concepts brought to the table, but ultimately in execution felt like it fell flat. The middle portion of the movie was much stronger than the end, though that felt like the time when the least happened, as well. Ultimately, this movie just was not very good, for all the promise it brought to the table at the start. But this is an exercise in experiencing new things, and a successful one at that!